Deicide by crystal castles lyrics
Deicide by crystal castles lyrics

I agree and am very aware of the fact that statistically, Alice is most likely telling the truth. But it's time we start believing people when they work up the nerve to tell us, because statistically speaking, it's extremely unlikely that they are lying. Just because we didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. It seems heavily relevant now that the final lyrics of her last CC album were: "Hide all that you could, done for the greater good, it's later understood," in a song that was centered around abuse.Ībuse is hidden, almost always. She was most likely discussing it all along in her lyrics. We do know however that Alice has been discussing this abuse since leaving CC, but she didn't name Ethan until now, even though it's obvious who she was referring to in the immediate aftermath of her leaving. None of us are ever really going to know the truth about what happened between Alice and Ethan because we weren't there.

deicide by crystal castles lyrics

They are just highly visible when they do happen and it feeds into a false narrative about their frequency. People are terrified of those attacks but they almost never happen in the US. It's similar to terrorism from muslim extremists. you're getting fucked in the ass regardless of whether you're telling the truth. It's like opening Pandora's box in your life. If you are making shit up you are opening yourself up to an enormous amount of bullying from trolls, strangers, and even friends/loved ones. Nobody wants that in their life unless they really care about justice. The reason false accusations are much less common then expected, especially based on how often people claim they're happening, is because there is so much fucking blowback for publicly accusing anyone of abuse. In reality, it's somewhere between 2-10% of accusations end up being false, probably around ~5% in reality: It's pretty easy for someone who hasn't been emotionally, physically, or sexual abused to think that people make this kind of shit up for attention.

deicide by crystal castles lyrics

I know I'm going to get a ton of hateful posts for this, but.

Deicide by crystal castles lyrics