Planeplotter lat long conversion
Planeplotter lat long conversion

planeplotter lat long conversion

Click "OK" in the Update Column dialogue box. 3 of 5 4:07 PMĤ After clicking the "Assist." button, the following dialogue box appears: From the "Functions" drop down menu, select the "CentroidX" function. Under "Value" click the "Assist." button. Updating Columns using "Centroid" function Choose Table>Update Column. Add a second field with the same specifications and the field name "UTM_Y". Define the field name - "UTM_X" data type decimal and a field width 6 and 2 decimal places. Adding Columns (fields) for Latitude/Longitude With the new table open (the one with points), select Table>Maintenance>Table structure.

planeplotter lat long conversion

It is critical that you understand the relation between UTM-x/y coordinates and Lat/Long (see the table above for the 'general rule'). You are now ready to repeat the create points operation. to save the table as it was before you created points. Select Edit>Clear Map Objects Only This command will eliminate the points you created earlier.

planeplotter lat long conversion

the points in the map window should be highlighted. Choose Query>Select all from yourtablename. In the Layer Control, make the table editable and click "OK". Clear Map Objects To begin again, you will need to delete the points you just created and re-save the table. You may need to create the points over again. If your points don't overlap the other database, check the projection of the two tables to be sure they correspond. and choose all layers from the drop down menu. After opening a second table, choose Map>View Entire Layer. Opening a table from another database using the same projection and geographical coverage with confirm that your results are accurate. If a map does not automatically appear, choose Window>New Map Window. Keeping this default will enable us to establish precise latitude and longitude coordinates. We are creating points based on UTM grid reference coordinates but the projection of the actual map will be in latitude and longitude. Latitude 43 degrees UTM-Y 4,763,000 metres Longitude -79 degrees UTM-X 623,000 metres NOTE: the default projection is "longitude/latitude". 2 of 5 4:07 PMģ As a general rule, the following chart defines Latitude/Longitude/UTM-X/UTM-Y coordinates for a region in southern Ontario. From the table above, the following dialogue box reflects the appropriate entries. Choose an appropriate symbol and make sure the X and Y coordinates are being selected from the correct columns. Creating Points With the table open, choose Table>Create Points. to close all open tables and open the new copy you just created. You will need to save this table under a new name in order to edit the table structure. 1 of 5 4:07 PMĢ Your data will open in a MapInfo table with the UTM coordinates listed in separate columns.

planeplotter lat long conversion

Choose "Tab" as the delimiter and click "OK". You will be prompted "Delimited ASCII Information". Navigate to the folder where you saved the list of coordinates in text format. and select Delimited ASCII (*.txt) from the "Files of type" list. Raw Data a list of UTM coordinates representing locations on the earth's surface Copy the data into a text editor (Notepad, Wordperfect, Word) and save as a plain text (*.txt) file. 1 UTM Conversion to Lat/Long Introduction This procedure outlines steps to convert a list of coordinates into a Mapinfo table, then convert the projection and add columns to the table listing the Latitude/Longitude coordinates.

Planeplotter lat long conversion